Being A Student In Spain: Requirements And Procedures

Being a student in Spain and learning the language is an unforgettable experience. However, there are some requirements and procedures you need to be aware of. Here’s what you need to know to study Spanish in Spain:

1. Visa Application

To study Spanish in Spain, you will need a visa. The types of visas for students coming to Spain to learn Spanish are:
◦ Student Visa (Type D Visa): For students who wish to enroll in a long-term course.
◦ Short-Term Student Visa (Type C Visa): For short-term courses.

Contact us to learn about the visa application process. If you have a valid visa from another Schengen country or a green visa, you will not need to schedule an appointment with the Embassy or Consulate to apply for a visa.

2. Letter Of Invitation

To obtain the visa, you will need a personalized acceptance letter with your details and the dates of your stay in Spain. At Estudia, we will provide you with an invitation letter that you will need to include among the documents for your visa application.

3. Health Insurance

While studying in Spain, you will generally need to have health insurance. Depending on the duration of your stay, you can either purchase your own insurance or opt for the health insurance plan offered by the school.

4. Proof Of Financial Means

You may be required to prove that you have sufficient financial resources to support yourself during your studies in Spain. This is usually demonstrated through bank statements or scholarship letters.

5. Application Form

To apply for the visa, you need to complete the school’s application forms. We offer free consultation to help you choose the right school and course, and we guide you through the entire application process.

6. Accommodation

It’s important to review your accommodation options during your stay in Spain. You can choose between a student residence, a host family, or renting an apartment.

To learn more about courses in Spain visit

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